Let’s work together
Your gift to the Foundation supports the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine & Surgery, UST Hospital Clinical Division and its indigent patients. As an endowment fund, your donation remains intact. Only interest income is used to fund various projects such as the St Martin De Porres Indigency Trust Fund. For donations of $25,000 and up, you or your designee is entitled to a permanent seat on the USTMAAA FOUNDATION BOARD.
Levels of Giving
St. Thomas Aquinas Society - $100,000+
The Founder’s Society - $75,000+
The Rector’s Club - $50,000+
The Dean’s Circle - $25,000+
St Dominic’s Circle - $15,000+
The President’s Circle - $10,000+
The Regent’s Club - $5,000+
St. Martin de Porres Circle - $1,000+